Weekly Roundup, April 29-May 3, 2019

Happy Star Wars Day, everyone, and May the 4th be with you! Did you know Star Wars Day is officially a holiday in California? It says so right here on the internet! You know what else is on the internet? Awesome Speculative Chic content, and since Kristina is celebrating the crowning of a new Emperor in Japan, your Editor-in-Chic is ducking out of the shadows to bring you this week’s round-up. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!


As always, we get the week started off right with My Favorite Things. Last week we welcomed guest author Chadwick Ginther, whose highlighting his latest spooky thriller, Graveyard Mind. What does Chadwick love when he’s not writing about the dead that won’t stay buried? Spoiler alert: a galaxy far, far away, a new iteration of a classic game, watching toys crash together, a fantasy by a classic author, a storytelling band that produces great album after great album, and a book on mythology to read over and over. Curious? Click here to learn more!


Next up, J.L. Gribble shows us how to keep a Resolution Project under control by posting her review of the fourth book in the Kate Daniels series, Magic Bleeds. J.L. talks about how the series is now beyond the trilogy phase and really getting into the meat of character and world-building, and with one exception, she’s really enjoying the ride. If you’re reading along, or if you want a refresher, check out her review here.

Then later that afternoon, instead of the usual Sound Off!, Thanos showed up! Weird, right? Never fear… it was just our intrepid Film Editor letting us know that because Avengers: Endgame is such a huge movie to process, and because tickets were hard to get in some locations, that we decided to delay our Sound Off until Tuesday, May 7th. Until then, Thanos demands your silence, so please, save the discussion (and spoilers) for that date!


On Wednesday, Lane Robins dusts off a piece that originally appeared in her blog to talk about Robert Jackson Bennett’s Vigilance, a novella satirizing America’s obsession with mass public shootings. Bennett is an autoread author for Lane, but how did Vigilance stand up? Lane talks about what works, what didn’t, and what she wishes this satire could’ve been instead. The review is a fascinating read, so take a gander, and if you’ve read it, share your thoughts!


Thursday brings us another book review, this one courtesy of Nicole Taft. She’s lucky enough to work somewhere that gets Advance Reader Copies of upcoming books, so she grabbed The Need by Helen Phillips and gave it a go. Her verdict? Well, I don’t want to spoil anything, but it sounds like a compulsively surrealist read that no one in the literary world wants to call science fiction. I know I’m intrigued! Read Nicole’s review now, and check out The Need when it’s released on July 9th!


Last but not least, Sherry Peters continues her Resolution Project and also gets a head start on Star Wars Day by watching and discussing Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace. How’d it hold up all these years? Well…. not so great, but at least Sherry is kind enough to put the blame where it belongs: on the writing. Check out her reactions, and share your thoughts on the movie in the comments!

Book Club

I don’t know about you, but I’m having trouble believing it’s May already! But that just means you should be reading Shards of Honor by classic science fiction author Lois McMaster Bujold. June’s selection hasn’t been announced just yet, so you still have time to get your vote in here if you’re so inclined. June’s theme? Climate change disaster novels, otherwise known as “cli-fi.” Come on, you know you’re intrigued… come vote!

And that’s a wrap for Speculative Chic’s week on the internet! If you noticed, we had not just one, but two pieces that featured Star Wars, so it’s appropriate I got to round them all up for you today. However, while Kristina and Casey like to end these posts on a cheerful note, I’d like to make a tribute: here’s to Peter Mayhew, also known as our beloved Chewbacca, who passed away on Tuesday, May 2nd. He was 74 years young. Wherever you are now, I know you, Carrie Fisher, and Kenny Baker are having a grand old time (and I hope they’re letting you win!). Chewbacca was always one of my favorite characters, and I know you’re the reason for that.

Rest in peace, Mr. Mayhew, and may the Force be with you, always.

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