Sound Off! Presents: Who Should Stay Dead?

A note from editor Casey:

T’was the snap heard ’round the world.


Everyone who exists on the internet and in fandom pretty much already knows what happened at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. I was feeling a little cheeky when I suggested this month’s roundtable discussion: who shouldn’t come back from The Snap? It’s kind of obvious that some, if not all, of Our Heroes are going to be back in some way. Reality check: sequels are on deck for a lot of the individual franchises, and Guardians of the Galaxy 3 with only Rocket and Nebula might possibly work on some timeline (let’s ask Dr. Strange…wait), but it’s doubtful for this one. So I wanted to know whose absence either wouldn’t matter, or would cause the most interesting outcome. I even suggested that people could just discuss the character that they found the most annoying, who they would be glad to never have to deal with again. I’m open-minded! And, as I said above, I was feeling cheeky.

I received one response.

I’m guessing that our contributors couldn’t bear to think that somebody might not come back. My reason for not coming up with anything is difficult to admit. I’m going to confess something that I hope doesn’t get me shamed right off of this publication: I still haven’t watched Infinity War. I know, I know, I have zero excuses at this point, but I just…haven’t. I am so behind on this entire, vast series of films that it’s pathetic. Look, I just watched Black Panther like two months ago. I still haven’t seen any of the Captain America sequels. Me = lame.

Anyway, in lieu of a proper discussion, this month we’re going to hear from MCU Fangirl-In-Chic and Film editor, J.L. Gribble, who truly is the best person for this job anyway. Without further adieu, let’s hear what she has to say about this conundrum.

As a professional writer, this is a difficult question for me. I know who I, personally, want to survive the snap and live happily ever after when the Avengers: Endgame credits roll. That’s easy.

Everyone. No exceptions.

But as a storyteller myself, I know that’s simply not possible. It might make us sad, but otherwise, the story won’t be satisfying. And if I had to make a best guess at who might not survive in his current form to the end, it’s Vision.

Notice my phrasing there. “In his current form.” Because Vision and the Mind Stone are essentially one and the same, right? Without the Mind Stone, Vision wouldn’t exist, and though everyone else who was “killed” in the snap turned to dust, the mind stone is secure in the Infinity Gauntlet.

Here’s where I think things might get complicated. I have no predictions about what will happen to the infinity gems at the end of Endgame. Chances are, some combination of Captain Marvel and the survivors of the Guardians of the Galaxy will disperse the stones to the edges of the universe once again. (Except for the time stone, which will go back to Dr. Strange.) (Yes, the sequel is confirmed, so we know he’ll be back.)

But these are gems of infinite possibility and power. What’s to stop the mind stone from reforming as Vision once it’s free? Here’s where I think we won’t have the same Vision. Because I think the part of Vision that was J.A.R.V.I.S. won’t remain intact.

This would sadden me because I adored J.A.R.V.I.S. from the first time we met him in Iron Man. But again, as a storyteller, I want to see how this affects Scarlet Witch.

So, that’s my call. The Vision we know won’t be back. But I’m really excited to see what a new Vision brings to the table.

1 Comment

  • Shara White April 20, 2019 at 2:02 pm

    So I don’t have an excuse: I’ve seen the MCU movies, some more than once. That being said, I had a hard time answering this, and still do. If you asked me who might not SURVIVE Endgame, I’d say Tony Stark or Steve Rogers, but note, neither one were affected by the snap.


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