Faerie Fight Club Draws Blood: Sparrowhawk 3 by Delilah S. Dawson

Sparrowhawk #3 (2018)
Written by: Delilah S. Dawson
Genre: Fantasy
Series: Sparrowhawk
Publisher: Boom Studios

Why I Chose It: I’ve really enjoyed both the first and second issue and am excited to continue the journey of this comic series.

The premise:

Teen Victorian fairy fight club! As the illegitimate daughter of a Naval Captain, Artemesia has never fit in with her father’s family, nor the high class world to which they belong. However, when she is targeted by the Faerie Queen and pulled into another realm, she has no choice but to try and save the world that has always hated her. Writer Delilah S. Dawson (Hellboy: An Assortment of Horror, Star Wars: Forces of Destiny) and artist Matias Basla (The Claw and Fang) present a beautiful, gripping tale perfect for fans of Labyrinth and Princeless.

Spoilers Below

Discussion: Book 3 kicks off with the Wild Unt rapidly approaching as Artemesia (Art), Crispin, and Warren try to figure out how to survive. When they come across the beast that is the target of the hunt, they must decide whether to help the beast or leave it to die.

This issue had a lot of really interesting conversations between Art and Warren particularly. As Warren tries to find ways to proceed without violence, Art and Crispin move straight to fighting. It’s a clashing of ideals that is front and center in this issue.

We learn a little more about the faerie world: salt and sugar are powerful and faerie around them must stop to count the grains as a compulsion that is impossible to ignore. Art uses this to her advantage to behead the Wild Hunt party as they stop to count grains of sugar she has dropped.

As they continue on the journey and get closer to the Unseelie Queen, they are confronted by strange broken little abominations of evil. Art destroys them in droves much to Warren’s horror.

After a conversation about Art’s propensity to violence, Warren wishes her luck and leaves the group as they come upon the Unseelie Queen’s castle.

The writing in this issue might by favorite so far. The conversations between Warren, Crispin and Art about the nature of violence and ways to grow strong were beautiful and wonderful to read over.

In Conclusion: I’m thrilled to continue reading this saga and dreading the end of the series with book 5. Book 4 and Book 5 are available now.

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