Romance In The Cards: The Arcana: A Mystic Romance

The Arcana: A Mystic Romance (2017)An image of three different people looking at the screen suggestively.

Developer & Publisher: Nix Hydra Games
Platform: Mobile
Genre: Dating Sim, RPG
Mode: Single-player

Why I Chose It:

I’ve seen ads for The Arcana for ages. The artwork is beautiful, and I love tarot cards, which feature prominently in the game itself. One weekend, when I was incredibly stressed out, I decided to give the game a try as a way to distract myself. I’ve got to respect a well-targeted ad that seemed to be an intriguing game right up my aesthetic.

No Spoilers Below

Discussion: I jumped into The Arcana expecting a typical dating sim game, where there really is no plot, and the main and only goal is to make the right choices to get the person you like to like you back. I was pleasantly surprised to be immediately dropped into a fascinating plot.

The main character, who can be customized to use different pronouns and have a different name, works at a magic shop with the magician Asra. Asra is heading out the door for a mysterious reason, but as soon as your master leaves, destiny comes knocking.

The countess of the city, Nadia, has been dreaming of you, but not in the romantic way, no. Nadia has dreamt that you are the key to discovering who killed her husband three years ago. A murderer was caught – the notorious doctor Jullian – but he escaped. Nadia wants you to find the killer before her masquerade party.

You turn to your guide, a powerful set of tarot guides connected with the world of the Arcana for answers and find far more danger than you ever imagined.

Murder, magic and a mystery? I was hooked.

The first five chapters are totally free and move quickly through the story as you meet all the main players. After the first five chapters conclude, you have the option to select an individual route for whoever you want to romantically pursue. Currently there are three romance options:

A white-haired smirking man drawn in an anime style

Asra, your teacher and companion for the past three years

A brown-skinned woman in a beautiful teal and gold robe

Nadia, the widowed countess

A red-haired man with an eye patch drawn in anime style. His arms are crossed.

Julian, the doctor accused of murder

By separating each romance option into its own isolated story, the game presents several different angles to the same story. I’ve played through Julian and Asra’s stories so far and they tell two sides of the same series of events.

What I love is that the story itself is compelling enough that the romance remains a side-product of that. It never veers into feeling skeevy or forced as the characters try to solve the mystery and maybe fall in love along the way.

All the characters you meet are very unique, standing out with their own desires and plans that don’t always go along with your ideas. Julian’s chapter in particular had me raging at my phone because of what he was doing. but it made sense for his character in that moment.

The game avoids the pay-to-play model; you can play the entire thing, complete with happy ending, without spending a dime. I’ve paid a few dollars for some extras and feel no shame in that. The game is gorgeous, well-made, and I’m happy to support the company.

Currently The Arcana is not finished. The paths still have not reached their conclusions, though that’s planned with the next update. There are also hopes to add more romance options and I’m incredibly excited about that.

Conclusion: I’ve been talking to my friends non-stop about this game since I started playing it. I’m constantly trying to convince other people to play, and my roommates have to deal with me trying to explain what happened every day. I love this game. It’s well-made, with beautiful artwork, a compelling and unique story, and a wonderful range of diverse, interesting characters. I wish every game was like this.

If you enjoy magic, mysteries, tarot cards, romance and beautiful art then you have to pick The Arcana. Play through the first five chapters and enjoy the world. There’s magic in the screen with this one.

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