In a Galaxy Far, Far Away: The Star Wars Rewatch Project

My Resolution project for 2019, are you ready for it? Are you? STAR WARS! OK, the title kind of gave it away. Still. I’m so excited! Why I chose it. I love Star Wars, and I thought it would be fun to re-watch the movies in order of release date, with perhaps a bit more of a critical and appreciative eye than I have before. Once a month I will watch a Star Wars movie, and share my thoughts with you. The order will be:

  1. A New Hope
  2. The Empire Strikes Back
  3. Return of the Jedi
  4. The Phantom Menace
  5. Attack of the Clones
  6. Revenge of the Sith
  7. Clone Wars (animated)
  8. The Force Awakens
  9. Rogue One
  10. The Last Jedi
  11. Solo

This may or may not be the poster my brother had. I think it was actually of Luke with a lightsaber, but this is more what I remember.

See, I’m a Star Wars kid. The first movie Star Wars: A New Hope came out when I was 4 (yes, I’ve just told you all how old I am. I don’t care). I saw the movie in the theater. Granted, it was nap time and I fell asleep on my Dad’s lap, but the magic of it was not lost on me.

My brother and I collected Star Wars cards and stickers. We played Star Wars with the kids in the neighborhood, running around destroying the Empire. Of course, as the only girl on the street, I was always Princess Leia. My brother and I wanted lightsabers. I kind of still do. My brother got a glow in the dark plastic “lightsaber.” He had a poster of Luke Skywalker. I won’t lie, Luke was probably my first celebrity crush.

I couldn’t wait to go see every new installment of Star Wars, and still can’t. But now I have to confess, I haven’t seen Clone Wars or Solo, so those will be new.

This is going to be a fun year, and I look forward to sharing it with you.

May the Force be with you!


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