Red and Black Cover Reveal

Hello there! My name is Nancy, and over the past couple of years I’ve written a lot of words on Speculative Chic. Some of those words have been part of my regular monthly column (where I talk about books, comics, serials, and more!), while others have been contributions to Sounds Offs and Roundtables. I even edited the My Favorite Things column for a little while. During this time, I’ve also written a lot of other words on the side. This summer, a big chunk of them will be ready to see the world in the form of my first published novel, Red and Black.

Below you will find a little information on the book, the first reveal of the cover art, and a bio for the artist. Red and Black, the first book in a series, is all about superheroes (which shouldn’t surprise anyone that knows me!), but it was also written with my love for urban fantasy in mind. I hope that if either of those appeal to you, you’ll take a look. Or at the very least, you can gaze upon the gorgeous cover my artist, Hampton, managed to create. I’m still in awe at how wonderful it turned out!

The ebook for Red and Black is available for preorder on Amazon (with a print version on the way!). You can also add it to your to-read pile on goodreads.

From the back cover

Dawn Takahashi knows a thing or two about superheroes, from the fictional ones that populate her favorite comic books, to the real-life vigilantes who keep people safe. When she’s granted an impressive set of powers of her own, she dives right in, eager to prove herself as Bailey City’s first legitimate superhero. Dressed in red and black, Dawn spends her nights jumping from rooftop to rooftop, apprehending criminals with a smile. But by day, she finds her interactions marred by crippling social awkwardness.

Alex Gage is used to life giving him the short end of the stick, from his working-class upbringing, to the recent death of his mother. He works hard to support his younger sisters, hiding his anger and frustration behind laid back charm. It’s this charm that first draws Alex and Dawn together, but their secrets may tear them apart. Because while Dawn protects the city against threats, Alex unknowingly undermines her efforts by working as a henchman for Calypso, a mysterious woman who can make anyone loyal to her with a single touch of her hand.

It’s the classic story of boy meets girl. And hero versus villain. Where only one side can win.

About the Artist

Hampton Lamoureux is a Rhode Island native currently living in St. Petersburg, FL. His passion for art and computers led to his study of Graphic Design at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Continuing his freelance work as a digital artist and book cover designer during college, he currently owns a small design company under the name of TS95 Studios, working with a variety of indie authors and small businesses. He also freelances with other creative agencies, designing brands, websites, motion graphics, and other visuals. One day, he hopes to work for a large publishing company.

Among all mediums, Photoshop remains to be Hampton’s favorite program. Having practiced photo editing since middle school, his passion for creating works of fantasy and mystery remains. You can discover both his art and design work online at


  • Cover Crafting and Looking Ahead: June in Review | Picking Up the Pen June 29, 2018 at 1:31 pm

    […] Moving onto writing! June has been focused on two things: putting the finishing touches on Red and Black, and revising its sequel. Those finishing touches involved commissioning cover art, polishing my blurb, getting everything set up on sites like amazon and goodreads, and examining proofs. I am SO HAPPY at how the cover art turned out, and plan on doing a more in depth post about the process next week. But you won’t have to wait until then to see it. Red and Black will have its very own cover reveal over at Speculative Chic this afternoon at 1PM EST! (EDIT- Here it is!) […]

  • Shara White June 29, 2018 at 8:48 pm

    Congrats, Nancy! The cover looks great!

  • Lane Robins July 1, 2018 at 4:19 pm

    That looks wonderful! And the story sounds great!


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