Tag Archives : merrin

Roundtable: Our Scary Stories

Ah, it’s that time of year. The air is turning crisper. The leaves are changing. The dark is creeping upon the light a bit sooner with each passing day. Fall is here. Halloween is right around the corner. Here at Speculative Chic, you may have notice a theme: we’ve been digging into the scary side of things and talking about…

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Top 10 Dragons I Have Known

I’ve gone through several iterations of this list and realized, after polling twitter, that there’s nothing objective about a top ten list, especially when it’s curated by only one person. So I have abandoned the hubris of calling this a list of top ten dragons (which actually started as a top five) and am making it a much more personal…

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Speculative Chic Book Club: Bannerless

Welcome to the Speculative Chic Book Club! Each month, we invite you to join us in reading a book that will sometimes be picked beforehand and sometimes be voted on by you, our readers. We’re still working on the format, so following the review of the book and some starter questions, we invite you all to discuss your thoughts in…

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All Things End and Begin Again: “The Return of Dr Mysterio” and Why You Shouldn’t Sleep on Doctor Who and the Hugos

The Hugo winner announcements come out August 11 and voting is already over, but we’re still talking about the nominees because it’s more fun than watching our clocks tick by! We’re continuing our look at the Best Dramatic Presentation: Short Form category with a perennial favorite of Hugo voters: Doctor Who. My history with the show doesn’t go back nearly…

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