A Fine Time at the Fayre! A Review of RNW’s Fey Fayre One-Shot Game

The Fey Fayre (2019)
Written by: RNW
Genre: Tabletop Game
Publisher: RNW

Why I Chose It: I’ve played several one-shots from RNW before and adored them, so when I was looking for a fun, light-hearted adventure for a lazy Saturday, I knew this would be it.

The Premise:

A whimsical single-session standalone adventure designed for 5th edition. Intended for two to six characters of level 1 to 3. Runs for approximately 2-4 hours.

In this fun & whimsical one-shot, play as a group of adventurers who take a nice relaxing night off to visit the spectacular Fey Fayre. Spend the night enjoying quirky attractions, exotic stalls and chaotic games. Get ready for the big talent show, where characters can show off their skills, and glorious riches await the winning performer. But when the grand prize of the talent show goes missing and the party is accused of stealing it, they must work together to find out what happened, or be turned into toads and spend the rest of their lives trapped in the Feywild…

This One-Shot Adventure comes in full color, rendered in a hand-drawn style. It comes with a full 28 page GM’s guide for running the adventure, plus a buildable papercraft carnival, 2 sets of maps, magical item cards, vendor/crowd & player tokens, and cute keepsake player handouts.

No Spoilers Below

Discussion: This darling adventure is perfect for a group who loves theatrics and is looking for a chance to let loose, eat popcorn that magically teleports them in random directions, and find some unique items, like the Bag of Folding.

The fayre is filled with unique items, characters and games that let every kind of player character have a chance to shine. There is something that will appeal to everyone, from a talent show for the charismatic to a strength contest with a troll named Brah.

There is potential for some combat, but this is not a fight- or conflict-heavy game. If you’re running games for people who are looking to fight everything, this is not a good one-shot for that group. I would find this a perfect game to use in downtime when there is no big adventure planned for a long-running campaign, and the characters just want to have some fun and relax in a world of magic and wonder.

I ran a group of three through this one-shot and it worked wonderfully, so this is an awesome game if you only have a small group. There are a ton of opportunities for chaos and fun. The group I played with wanted to try every booth available and explore the entire fayre.

Some of the available options to explore are: Troll Smash, Bork’s Oily Boilys, POPcorn!, Feyland Dream Cream, and Bonzo’s Behexed Beans for just a few examples of entertainments the fayre has to offer. There is fey mischief in every single booth, whether the POPcorn that sends people teleporting in random directions, or the dream cream that makes you speak gibberish for five minutes. After the first bit of fey magic appears, your group will likely want to see what other chaos is in the fayre.

Your players get the chance to wander the fayre for as long as you’d like before you hit the “plot” of the adventure. The prize for the fayre’s talent show has been stolen, and your adventurers have been accused of stealing it. You all must find the culprit, or else everyone gets taken to the feywild realm for a year with no chance for escape.

Discovering the culprit is a blast with a fun twist with a unique enemy that presents an eerie challenge for the players and is a perfect fit for a fun fayre.

In Conclusion: If you’re looking for a fun, silly game with a lot of humor and puns, then this is the perfect game for you.

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