My Favorite Things with Madeline J. Reynolds

They might not be raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens, but that doesn’t mean that we love them any less. Welcome back to My Favorite Things, the weekly column where we grab someone in speculative circles to gab about the greatest in geek. This week, we sit down with Madeline J. Reynolds, whose debut novel, Illusions, will be released tomorrow, November 6th, from Entangled Teen!

What does Madeline love when she’s not writing about magicians who fall in love? Spoiler alert: movies worth marathoning, a series to devour, complex villains, a likely Doctor, and cynical but relatable characters. Interested? Read on to learn more!

Favorite Film(s): When asked to write about some of my favorite things, and speculative things at that, I knew that one of the first things I would have to write about would be The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I was a kid when the films were coming out and my dad taking my sister and me to see each one, and I remember being on the edge of my seat. I completely fell in love with Tolkien’s world of hobbits, elves, dwarves, and orcs, and I am still as fascinated with Middle Earth today as I was back then. I still marathon the movies all the time (extended cut, of course) and one day I hope to go to New Zealand to visit the film sites, like Hobbiton.

Favorite YA Fantasy Series: As someone who loves to both write and read YA fantasy, it all had to start somewhere. One of the first series to seriously get me hooked on YA fantasy was Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series. Her characters are so vibrant and the concept of Shadowhunters in combination with her unique take on New York City are completely gripping. I devoured the books in no time at all. I picked this series because it was one of the first I really got into but some close seconds, now that I’ve read more, are the Six of Crows duology and The Diviners series.

Favorite Marvel Character: I suppose this answer can also qualify as my favorite movie villain because my favorite character in the Marvel franchise has to be Loki. Now, I will openly admit that part of this in large part to a certain Tom Hiddleston and his excellent portrayal of the character. That being said, the character of Loki is fascinating in his own right. A complex villain is an interesting one, and one that audiences get invested in. Loki embodies that to me.

Favorite Doctor: I am a self-proclaimed Whovian and of all of the different seasons of Doctor Who, and all of the different actors who have portrayed the iconic character, it’s difficult to pick a favorite. However, if forced to pick a favorite I would definitely say 11. Matt Smith’s Doctor is delightfully quirky and watching him perform is like watching absurdist theater, and in the best way possible. He captures a lively, childlike spirit that I feel best embodies The Doctor.

Favorite Cartoon (non-speculative): This is another one of those categories where there are so many options, it’s hard to pick just one. As a ’90s child, my mom eventually introduced me to on of the best cartoons of the decade: Daria. I should clarify that in this instance, I’m specifically talking about adult cartoons. An important distinction, considering how many amazing kid’s cartoons any kid in the late ’90s and early ’00s got to grow up with. Daria was such a great character whose cynicism was humorous while also being relatable to a certain extent. It was also so awesome getting to see a female character who was smart, funny, and who never took anybody’s BS. Plus Daria and Jane were one of the most iconic female friendships depicted on TV.

Madeline J. Reynolds is a YA fantasy author living in Chicago. Originally from Minneapolis, she has a background in journalism and has always loved storytelling in its various forms. When not writing, she can be found exploring he city, eating Thai food, or lost in an epic Lord of the Rings marathon.

Author photo by Georgi Crumme.

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  • Shara White November 5, 2018 at 8:43 pm

    Madeline, you and I are soul sisters when it comes to the LOTR trilogy. I haven’t seen the theatrical cuts since the theaters, and will only watch the extended editions!

  • Heidi Ruby Miller November 7, 2018 at 11:22 am

    Congratulations on your debut novel, Madeline!! So exciting. Loved your favorite things because many of them are also mine. 😀


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