Monstrous Weather: Servants of the Storm by Delilah S. Dawson

Servants of the Storm 2014)
Written by: Delilah S. Dawson
Genre: YA/Dark Fantasy
Pages: 384 (hardcover)
Publisher: Simon Pulse

Why I Chose It: I love Delilah Dawson’s work and this book about a storm that is a demon really sounded like a fun ride.

The premise:

Dovey learns that demons lurk in places other than the dark corners of her mind in this southern gothic fantasy from the author of the Blud series.

A year ago, Hurricane Josephine swept through Savannah, Georgia, leaving behind nothing but death and destruction—and taking the life of Dovey’s best friend, Carly. Since that night, Dovey has been in a medicated haze, numb to everything around her.

But recently she’s started to believe she’s seeing things that can’t be real…including Carly at their favorite café. Determined to learn the truth, Dovey stops taking her pills. And the world that opens up to her is unlike anything she could have imagined.

As Dovey slips deeper into the shadowy corners of Savannah—where the dark and horrifying secrets lurk—she learns that the storm that destroyed her city and stole her friend was much more than a force of nature. And now the sinister beings truly responsible are out to finish what they started.

No Spoilers Below


I adored this book. It’s dark, and creepy with southern gothic all over. Dovey’s love for Carly reminds me so much of my friends and me at that age where we would do anything for one another and nothing would stop that bond. In Dovey and Carly’s case, not even death can end their friendship.

The world of Savannah is rich and vibrant without it feeling like you have to really know the city to understand the story. The flavor of the South is there, the old, haunting areas that the tourists don’t generally get to see. It’s a great testament to the southern gothic feel for a story.

Dovey is brave and relentless, and she pushes the story forward past the point that she should have given up. I really found myself rooting for her, and worried about her well being. With people questioning if she’s just crazy or if she really is seeing things, Dovey has to convince herself, and her friends that Carly is out there and that she needs help.

The introduction to the strange world hidden from most people is slow, creepy and beautifully done. We learn of new things in pieces at a time. I got so invested in learning about all of the secrets that I made myself late to work because I was so caught up in reading!

I really, really hope we get a sequel one day because the ending made me scream out loud. As of right now, there is no announced sequel so I’ll keep hoping.

In Conclusion: I really recommend Servants of the Storm to anyone who likes their stories dark and twisted. A great read with a really unique concept that looks at what happens when storms are more than just a simple force of nature.

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