Hello all! Welcome to the weekend! We are still firmly in January’s grip, but February is just around the corner. Hard to believe that the month is nearly over. Time flies, and all that. Feels like only yesterday that I was working on last week’s update. But here we are again, and there’s a whole new week to look back on. So hop into the time machine with me, and away we go!
On Mondays we celebrate our favorite things! This week, special guest and REAL LIFE ZOMBIE, Tony Gowell, joined us to share the things he loves best. What does he like when he’s not acting, writing, or convention-going? “New identities, snuggling with a favorite game console, and springtime festivals.” Intriguing, no? Check it out!
Double-header! Carey Ballard debuted the newest edition of Chain Reaction. Our theme this month? Alternative superhero narratives! To quote Carey: “If you’re tired of the mainstream superhero canons, in screen or comic book format, there are other options that are just as entertaining (or as dark and broody) as the superhero stories we all know and love. Sometimes that means looking outside of the science fiction genre (I know! It’s so difficult!).” It’s a great post, and if you’re a comic/superhero aficionado, this one’s for you!
Our second feature on Tuesday was J.L. Gribble‘s review of A Wrinkle in Time. This was J.L.’s 2018 Resolution, and she got it knocked out in the first month of the year! Well done, J.L.! What did she think? You’ll have to read her review to find out. (No spoilers!)
Avid reader/reviewer, Kendra Merritt gave us our second Resolution Project post of the week, with the first in her new series, Delayed Reactions. In short, Kendra has resolved to read more classic science fiction and fantasy throughout the course of this year. Her first pick was Jules Verne’s timeless novel, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Verne is credited with being one of the founders of science fiction, and this is a seminal work in the speculative canon. Take a look at Kendra’s thoughts at the above link, and be sure to check out her next selection. As a bonus, consider reading along with her for next time!
We, as media consumers, are truly spoiled for choice when it comes to superhero stories. One of my own favorites is the current Ms. Marvel. Nancy O’Toole Meservier, resident comic guru, loves Kamala too, and makes a very convincing argument for The Powers That Be to bestow upon us a Ms. Marvel movie! So, Disney, get on it. Pronto.
Kendra Merritt returned on Thursday afternoon with her take on a more modern novel: Dust by Elizabeth Bear (which I did not realize was the first in a trilogy). It’s an intriguing concept (angels meet space travel, religion meets nanotechnology). Take a look at Kendra’s spoiler-free review at the above link!
I’ve been giving you warnings for weeks now, and on Friday, our newest Book Club discussion dawned debuted upon us! Yes, friends, it’s time to discuss Octavia Butler’s Dawn. Did you read it? Get thee to the discussion thread! Book Club overlady, Merrin, has found a new author to love. Go see why! (There will be spoilers.)
Book Club
If you haven’t read Dawn, have an introvert’s retreat and devour it this weekend (it’s only 256 pages) so that you can go chat with Merrin and the rest of us. And, broken record time, remember that we’re reading Nalo Hopkinson’s Brown Girl in the Ring in February, and we are still voting on what to read in March (hint: think Ireland). Either way, take some time to settle in and read for a while.
And don’t forget your Twinkies. Every good reading marathon needs snacks, after all.

Image courtesy of Fancaps.net – Watch Zombieland if the reference is lost on you!
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