Whitney Richter

© 2014 Whitney Richter
Whitney is a thirtysomething writer with eclectic tastes that run the gamut from science fiction to video games to horse racing and Kentucky basketball. She has an M.F.A in Creative Writing from Hollins University where she had the good fortune to work with and alongside some very talented folks who forced her to up her game. By day she works as a marketer for a design firm in Southern California, by night she turns into a space ninja and saves the galaxy with a team of N7s. She’s also an avid writer, reader and tumblrer who obsessively takes photos of racehorses on weekends and firmly believes that some of the best writers out there can be found on Archive of Our Own.
You can find her on tumblr at swaps55 and whirlaway41
Twitter: @whitneyerichter