The week’s almost over! The weekend is here! How’d it go for you? Did you achieve the Holy Grail of work-life balance? Did you get to relax? Try something new? Find comfort in the familiar? No matter what, I hope you made it through the week ok! This marks my first weekend to myself in three weeks (!!) and I cannot wait to explode on my couch and get caught up on my streaming! Unsolicited advice: it’s ok to be lazy — please make time for yourself! But first, how about you unwind with us by revisiting the best of this week?
Joining us for My Favorite Things is fantasy author Troy Carrol Bucher, and we’re celebrating the release of his epic debut novel from DAW, Lies of Descent. So what floats his boat? How about darker shades of fantasy, a Star Trek spoof for the ages, and a Doctor who stands out among Doctors (fancy scarf included)? You know you want some more, and we’ve brought it — check out his post here!
Ronya brings us a fascinating look at the latest in publishing concerning one of the giants in the business, Macmillan (home to sci-fi/fantasy publisher TOR), and how its experiment with ebook lending affects libraries everywhere. As you can see by post title, “A Librarian’s Guide to the (Most Current) Ebook Problem,” this isn’t a happy story, but it’s definitely an important one, as it has repercussions for authors, readers, and libraries everywhere.
We’ve got a Wednesday double-whammy! First off is a book review from Kendra of Neil Gaiman and Chris Riddell’s illustrated fairytale The Sleeper and the Spindle. A story that uses dark magice to weave together elements of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, is this worth a look? Find out more here!
Next, we have guest Claire Fitzpatrick joining us for our new column, You’re My Inspiration, which focuses on “those special and sometimes dark things that spark ideas and result in great stories.” This is bigger than the MFT – we’re talking about the life-changing, awe-inspiring, creative muses! So, what inspires Claire’s unique voice and brand of (body) horror? Take a look!
Erin reviews the first season of Netflix’s original series Another Life with a fun post breaking down a show that honors (or does it?) the tropes within science fiction/outer space stories. Featuring Battlestar Galactica’s Katee Sackhoff and a “first contact” narrative, how does this show fare? The answer is here!
The moment you’ve been waiting for is here — Merrin hosts our last Book Club until our relaunch! We’re talking Lev Grossman’s The Magicians, the book that started the New Adult trilogy christened “Harry Potter for grownups,” and a popular SyFy television adaptation still airing today. Join Quentin Coldwater as he enrolls in Brakebills University, and delight in his love of the C.S. Lewis-esque series Fillory and Further, which shaped his love of all things magical. Let’s make our final-ish Book Club one for the memory books — join the discussion today!
Book Club
Speaking of Book Club, we’re taking a breather as we work hard to bring you a fully revamped and expanded version! We’ll keep you updated as we get closer to the relaunch, so stay tuned!
Hmm…if you enrolled in a magical university, what would be your major? Necromancy? Transfiguration? Divination? Incantation? There are lots of magical skill sets out there, so I’m sure there’s something you’d like to develop! If I think about it, I’d probably do an Alchemy major with a minor in Glamour…and not just “glamour” like the magical power, but glamor, as in fashion…because come on — have you ever seen a wizard who isn’t well-dressed?

The cast of The Magicians looking absolutely fabulous. Photo Credit: Miller Mobley/SYFY
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