Hello, my fellow citizens of spec! It’s time for another roundup, and we’ve had a little bit of everything for you this week — books, movies, comics, video games, woohoo! Are you ready for the deep dive? Let’s go!
Our very own Venessa is our guest this week at the MFT! We’re excited to have her once again sharing her favorite things in honor of Blue-Edged Soul, the newest addition to the Soul Cavern series. What’s in store for you this week? If you’re into fallen angels, prolific epic fantasy, the latest and greatest from SyFy, and a dash of period TV, this is the MFT for you.
Merrin‘s blasting through Anthem, Bioware’s latest online co-op game full of combat (of course!), alien planets, mysterious energies, and unstable relics. how’s the gameplay? The story? Her experience? Find out all the answers here!
We’ve also got another Sound Off! this week, this time tackling the latest installment in the X-Men franchise: Dark Phoenix. Join J.L. for her spoiler-free take!
Andrea continues her coverage of Delilah S. Dawson’s comic series Sparrowhawk. Rejoin the fairy fight club with a review of #4, the penultimate volume in the series. This one’s a doozy, with twists, turns, and hell-bent destruction! We know you want more, so check it out!
Venessa’s back with another post, a breakdown of her time at this year’s JordanCon. A first-time attendee and also a guest, Venessa’s got some fun experiences to share with you from her journey to Atlanta to the convention that honors Robert Jordan and his expansive Wheel of Time series.
Every year the interwebs celebrates the ubiquitous “summer beach reading” season with lists for booklovers galore. You can find them all over the internet. When it comes to sci fi, fantasy, and horror, Speculative Chic has got you covered! The gang comes together for a Roundtable full of recs for when you need that breezy break in the shade. Kick off your sandals, stretch out on the blanket, and soak in our very own Speculative Beach Reading List.

Can you guess the books from the picture? The answers are here!
Book Club
How’s your reading coming along? Time is ticking away for The Bone Clocks, our June Book Club pick…but you still have a chance to get started for our discussion later this month. While we’re at it, we’ve announced the winner of the July poll for the Book Club: V.E. Schwab’s A Darker Shade of Magic! Lastly, we’re still running the poll for our next August pick, and it’s pretty close so far! Lev Grossman’s The Magicians is in the lead for now. Which book can overtake it? Find out here and vote!
What are your plans this summer? Travel? Relaxing at home? Getting some sun? Getting some much-needed work done? As a teacher in Japan, we don’t have summers off, so I’ll continue humming along at the chalkboard…but my big summer side project is to get a large chunk of writing out of the way, and begin assembling cosplay items for Anime Japan 2020 (if you’re curious about 2019, here you go!). I learned the hard way that I need way more time than 4 months before a con to start sewing, so I’ve got to get started! In the meantime, whatever you have planned for summer, I hope you stay cool, stay bright, and treat yo self! See you next week!

Photo by Ben White via Unsplash.
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