Hi there! Guess what time it is? It’s time for me to apologize for my absence last week. I received some bad news last Friday evening, and thus my weekly responsibility completely flew from my mind until approximately some time on Sunday evening. But here I am, back again, to walk you through our magnificent week! Let’s go!
It was my turn in the spotlight for My Favorite Things! I had a lot of fun putting this together, and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. What are some of my current favorites? “Spoiler alert: a man in a red suit, a Hugo-nominated urban fantasy series she’s finally catching up on, a bookstore you will love but your wallet will hate, a fresh take on a Stephen King classic, and lastly, enjoying a good Panic! Intrigued? Read on to learn more!”
We debuted our February book club discussion, finally! Yes, it is now March, but February got away from us and our book club president, Merrin, is a busy, busy lady. Nevertheless, please join us in discussing N.K. Jemisin’s How Long ‘Til Black Future Month? to your heart’s content. I’m still working my way through the collection myself, because I am savoring these stories. I haven’t read Jemisin before, but this is something that I intend to correct.
Lane Robins has begun her 2019 Resolution Project in earnest! This month, she discusses The Black Company by Glen Cook. Check out the review right here, and be sure to follow Lane on her journey this year!
Nicole Taft reviewed a novel from the fantastic Claudia Gray for Thursday! I’ve only read one of Gray’s previous novels, A Thousand Pieces of You, but I loved it. So I was especially interested by Nicole’s review of Defy the Stars. After reading what she had to say, I promptly added the book to the TBR list. Take a look at her non-spoilery review and see if it might be to your liking!
For our final post of the week, J.L. Gribble shared a review of Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews. J.L.’s on a mission this year to re-read the entire Kate Daniels series prior to the release of the final volume later this year. If you like urban fantasy, Andrews is not to be missed! Read her spoiler-free review right here!
Book Club
Again, please join us in discussing N.K. Jemisin’s excellent short story collection, How Long ‘Til Black Future Month? at the above link! If you’re done with that, snag a copy of Kij Johnson’s The Fox Woman and dive in for our March discussion! And if you’ve already done THAT, congratulations! You’re on the ball! Go ahead and pick up Patricia McKillip’s The Bards of Bone Plain for April! And vote on our May selection here!
And that, poppets, is that. I’m done. My weekend plans include mandatory social interactions this evening (I kid; I love my friends) and boring, necessary housekeeping tomorrow. I’d love to sneak in a viewing of Captain Marvel, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen. Sad. I hope that you have a great weekend!

Go see Captain Marvel! And come back later this week to talk to us about it!
Getting bad news sucks. I hope things are better now!