You spoke, we listened! In March, we’ll be banding together to read The Fox Woman by Kij Johnson. However, instead of discussing this book the fourth Friday in March to discuss it like we normally do, we’re pushing it back one more week to the FIFTH Friday in March instead. Crazy, right? Why would we ever do such a thing?
Because Kij Johnson herself reached out to me and made this offer:
Hi! I have lots of copies of Fox Woman, if people are interested. For $12, I’ll priority mail a hardcover anywhere in the US. My mom will be grateful to get them out of the basement.
How could I say no?
The author has been kind enough to allow me to open this offer up publicly (note, you DO have to pay for the hardcover), so if you’re interested (book club reader or not), please fill out the following:
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Fox Woman Request’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Mailing Address’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Questions?’ type=’textarea’][/contact-form]
If you’re interested, please fill this out as quickly as possible. Johnson will be invoicing you via PayPal, and once she’s received payment, she’ll send your book.
Questions? Comments? Let us know, and we’ll see you on March 29th for The Fox Woman discussion!
How cool! Is that $12 total, or $12 plus the list price of the book?
That is 12 total, basically 5 plus shipping, though of course you can donate more!
Awesome, thank you!