Monthly Archives : January 2019

Cosplay Resolution 2019: Gearing Up for Anime Japan

Back in the US, I was a frequent convention-goer and panelist, trying to get fellow geeks excited about writing! Since moving to Japan in 2016, I’ve gone through con withdrawals. And it’s not that Japan doesn’t have its fair share of conventions – it just never occurred to me to try to attend because I’m busy teaching. I’ve neglected my…

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Sound Off! Glass

Welcome back to Sound Off!, a semi-regular column where members of Speculative Chic gather together to chat about the latest BIG THING in entertainment. This time, bring together heroes and villains and discuss Glass, which premiered in the United States on Friday, January 18, 2019. Sound Off! is meant to be a reaction, but not necessarily a review. After all, while we…

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My Favorite Things with Stephanie M. Wytovich

They might not be raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens, but that doesn’t mean that we love them any less. Welcome back to My Favorite Things, the weekly column where we grab someone in speculative circles to gab about the greatest in geek. This week, we sit down with author, poet, Bram Stoker Winner, and Speculative Chic contributor Stephanie…

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Weekly Roundup, January 21-25, 2019

Hello! I have returned from my adventures, I didn’t really find myself in need of a time travel device, and all went well last weekend! I know that you were all sitting at the edge of your seats just waiting to hear that. Anyway, you should all know the drill by now, so line up and then we shall proceed…

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Book Club Discussion: Mystic and Rider

Welcome to the Speculative Chic Book Club! Each month, we invite you to join us in reading a book that is voted on by YOU, our readers. Following a short review, please feel free to discuss the book in the comments! Mystic and Rider (2006) Written by: Sharon Shinn Genre: Fantasy Pages: 448 Pages (hardcover) Series: Book One of Twelve…

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Keeping the Peace: A Review of the First Season of Ninth Step Station

Ninth Step Station (2019) Written by: Malka Older, Fran Wilde, Jacqueline Koyanagi, Curtis C. Chen Genre: Science Fiction, Police Procedural Length: the ARC I received did not have a page count attached. This is a fiction serial of ten episodes Series: Book #1 of Ninth Step Station Publisher: Serial Box Disclaimer: I received a copy of Ninth Step Station for…

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