Help Wanted at Speculative Chic!

Speculative Chic has been kicking around for a year and a half, if you can believe it, and during that time, we’ve established quite a regular schedule. We started with one post per day save for weekends, and now the only day we don’t publish is Sunday; often, we have two posts per day.

Which means the blog has reached a point where yours truly, the Editor-in-Chic, needs help. As a result, I’ve created a handful of volunteer positions at here at Speculative Chic. These are editor positions, which means that unless you also want to write for the blog as well, you are not required to.

The Editor-in-Chic needs help of the non-feline variety.

What do these positions entail? You would be responsible for working with contributors and guest authors to develop their posts, ensure the posts are provided by a specific deadline, review and send out edits of the posts, and ensure posts are approved and scheduled before the publication date. Content editors would also be responsible for making sure the formatting and graphics for the posts follow Speculative Chic templates.

Book/Comic/Short Fiction Editor: This editor will be responsible for any post that features books, short fiction, or comics. Writers would alert this editor when a post is ready for review, and this editor would send any edits their way. Once this process is complete, the content editor would alert the Editor-in-Chic or Assistant Editor-in-Chic that the post is ready for a final sweep. Book/Comic/Short Fiction Editor will be responsible for a lot of content, as we have a handful of book reviewers, and we’re always on the lookout for more reviews. This editor will also be responsible for posting book-related content on Spec Chic’s public Facebook Page, as well as seeking out new content for the blog. They will also work closely with the Book Club Moderator in whatever capacity is required.

Television Editor: This editor will be responsible for any post that features a television show in any format. Writers would alert this editor when a post is ready for review, and this editor would send any edits their way. Once this process is complete, the content editor would alert the Editor-in-Chic or Assistant Editor-in-Chic that the post is ready for a final sweep. The Television editor will be responsible for initiating discussion of shows on the Speculative Chic public Facebook page, as well as being prepared (depending on demand/interest) to review weekly posts should an author want to write a reaction post for each episode of a new season. This editor will also be responsible for seeking out new content for the blog.

Gaming Editor: This editor will be responsible for any post that features games of any variety. Writers would alert this editor when a post is ready for review, and this editor would send any edits their way. Once this process is complete, the content editor would alert the Editor-in-Chic or Assistant Editor-in-Chic that the post is ready for a final sweep. The Gaming editor will be responsible for initiating discussion of games and gaming-related content on the Speculative Chic public Facebook page, and also be responsible for seeking out new content for the blog.

Miscellaneous Editor: This editor is responsible for all posts that don’t fit the above categories. If it’s about fandom in general, or conventions, or writing, or music…. stuff that doesn’t necessarily come up often. Writers would alert this editor when a post is ready for review, and this editor would send any edits their way. Once this process is complete, the content editor would alert the Editor-in-Chic or Assistant Editor-in-Chic that the post is ready for a final sweep. This editor will be responsible for initiating discussion of miscellaneous content on the Speculative Chic public Facebook page, and also be responsible for seeking out new content for the blog.

The Film Editor already has all the help she can handle.

You’ll notice a glaring hole in the above list: that’s because our very own J.L. Gribble is our Film Editor. Any new editors are also welcome to work with her to develop Sound Off! posts in their respective departments, such as new video game releases or a special television episode.

Who can apply? Anyone who’s interested in gaining editorial experience. While prior editing experience is no doubt a plus, someone with workshop and critiquing experience is also welcome. Having a degree in English isn’t a requirement, because writers and editors can come from all backgrounds, and everyone who applies will be given a sample post to edit. Again, this is a volunteer position, but it’s also one a person can add to their resumes.

Interested? Please fill out the form below:

Edit 4/5/18: If you don’t hear anything from us in a week, please comment below and gently poke us. We’ve discovered the feedback form is hungry and hasn’t been giving us all of the applications. Thank you!



  • Weasel of Doom February 21, 2018 at 10:29 pm

    How did I not know there is a Facebook page? *headdesk*


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